
The Fairy Tale Art Cart: Draw Along Stories For Kids, Podcast Episode 11
What happens if your food runs away? This week's Fairy Tale Art Cart Draw Along Story is The Runaway Bun, a folktale from Russia.

Social Emotional Art Project : Create A Pumpkin Patch
A fun fall art project that will boost social emotional learning and inspire a story!

Three Ways That Storytelling Mistakes Help Kids Become Better Writers
A question I often get when I’m leading professional development sessions for librarians and educators is, “What happens if I make a...

Sorting Colors: Why Sorting Is Important For Young Children
Sorting is a valuable play schema for children. This article highlights benefits of sorting and offers inspiration for a sorting project

Two EASY & FUN Storytelling Classroom Games for The End of The School Year
I had an end-of-the school-year conversation with my 9 year old daughter- we'll call her Z- last night. Here's how it went: Z: "There's...

3 Stories About Gardens That Will Bring Science To Life and Create Deeper Connections to Food Sources
Telling stories int he garden is an excellent way to inspire a deeper connection to food sources and taking care of the ecosystem.