In the Studio

About a week ago I recorded my first mini-album of stories! I've never officially preserved my voice in order for it to be heard in other people's ears, but it was really, really fun!
I've wanted to make a storytelling album for a while now, and after this Thanksgiving I thought- "Why not now? Christmas is a great time for listening to stories!" I had a Nativity folktale in my repetoire that I loved- The First Christmas Tree- and I thought it'd be a good one to share. I love telling it to younger kids 'cause it's the smallest tree in the forest that gets to be the important "chosen" character, not the big tall trees.
Thinking about some of the ideas and themes in The First Christmas Tree, I felt like it would be nice to find another story about characters going to the manger and giving to baby Jesus in honor of his birth. I came across The Legend of The Christmas Rose and knew it would be a perfect pairing. I loved Madelon's curiosity and heart in this story.
So into the recording booth I went. My good friend Jon Mitchell opened his equipment and expertise to me and captured my voice, giving me time and gentle nudges for different takes. He's wonderful and an excellent person to collaborate with- he's got tons of amazing ideas!! Then, my good friend Orlando Arriaga took the recordings and edited them all up nice and pretty with some instrumental Christmas carols. Orlando is the best, and can take raw material and turn it into something with beautiful finished edges!
So now, we're a few short hours away from releasing "Gifts for the King: Nativity Folktales"-- and we're all fancy and official in iTunes and Google Play! I hope you enjoy it!