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You Draw, I Draw: A Creative Game To Play With Your Kids

It was my third time getting Covid. I was locked away in my bedroom, away from my family. I was bored. So, I grabbed a piece of paper and drew a squiggled line across the page and slipped it under the door into the hallway with the instructions that the kids needed to add a character to the paper.

What developed was a drawing game that was super fun and allowed su to connect- even through a closed door!

A woman smiles while holding a sketch book up and open to a sketch of a fish jumping gout of water
A line + a character = a fun creative game!

It’s such an easy game to play, but a great way to spark some imagination and develop bonds with your kids through playfulness.

Step 1: Set Up

All you need for this game is one blank paper and a drawing tool for each person who is playing. You can play together at a table by passing the paper back and forth, or you can set it up as a “delivery system game”… either under a door (doesn’t have to be quarantine… could be passed under a door after your child goes to sleep for example), or maybe even as a pen pal game!

Step 2: Draws a “shaped” line

The first person draws a line across the blank page either from one side to another, or filling the page in some way. Try to make the line not just a straight line, but rather give it some “shape”, zig zags or loops, etc.

Step 3: Add A Character

The second person observes the line drawn by the first person and draws a character that turns that line into a “story setting”.

Step 4: Keep Going

You can continue passing the paper back and forth, adding more lines and characters. You can keep the first person as a “line adder” and the second person as a “character adder”, or open it up and each person can add either lines or characters.

Want to dig into the incredibly creative world of story and art? I’ve got a podcast just for you! It’s called The Fairy Tale Cart Cart: A Draw-Along Podcast For Story Fans Who Love to Make Art! Each episode features one folktale that has music-filled drawing breaks so that listeners get to become the illustrators of the story!


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